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#WeekWithoutDriving 2022: Reflections from Team SDOT

Summary at a glance: We participated in the second annual #WeekWithoutDriving, from Sept. 19-23, 2022. This experience helped us gain a better understanding of the challenges that people face navigating their communities without driving themselves. Our participating staff reflect on how their week went and what they learned along the… [ Keep reading ]

LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK | Construction starts this month on Green Lake Outer Loop project and new bike lane along Aurora Ave N

We are excited that this month we expect to begin construction of a new bike lane on Aurora Ave N, along the western edge of Green Lake! The Green Lake Outer Loop project will complete the outer biking path around Green Lake to complement the historic inner path along the… [ Keep reading ]

Happy Labor Day weekend, Seattle! Here’s our last roundup of weekend travel tips for the summer.

Please note – You can click any of the drop-down links to go directly to a specific topic: Trans Pride Seattle PAX West Bratfest National Cinema Day Bicycle Weekend on Lake Washington Boulevard Home games for Seattle sports Construction snapshot Transit and trip planning resources It’s officially September, and summer… [ Keep reading ]

LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK | Help us choose the next locations for our Even Better Bike Lane pilot program

Status update – August 19, 2022: Thank you to everyone who participated in the Twitter poll for the Even Better Bike Lanes pilot locations. After 484 votes, the winning location is westbound S Othello St from 45th Ave S to Martin Luther King Jr Way S! Our project team is… [ Keep reading ]

LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK | Better intersections, bike lanes, sidewalks, and pavement arrive in northeast Seattle! 

Summary We are excited to share that the 15th Ave NE Paving Project is complete! The improvements we made are a combination of many projects including paving, biking, Vision Zero, and Safe Routes to School!    15th Ave NE is a busy street connecting University District, Ravenna, and Maple Leaf neighborhoods,… [ Keep reading ]

Best of the Month | Distributing free ORCA cards, announcing the expected West Seattle Bridge reopening schedule, celebrating Ride Transit Month, and more! 

In case you missed it, we’re sharing highlights from the SDOT Blog each month. Here are some of our top blog posts from June. SDOT Blog Monthly Highlights – June 2022 Seattle Transit Measure | We are giving free, unlimited ORCA Recovery cards to people working in food service and… [ Keep reading ]

Know before you go: quick travel tips for a busy 4th of July weekend

This weekend is the 4th of July – often a busy time for summer travel, and also a weekend full of summer construction and events. WSDOT’s Revive I-5 work continues this weekend to replace aging expansion joints on I-5 near downtown Seattle, and we have work planned on the Spokane… [ Keep reading ]

Best of the Month | Celebrating Levy-funded projects, biking around Seattle, volunteering alongside the community, and more! 

One person bikes and one person rides a scooter in a protected bike lane along 4th Ave in downtown Seattle. Photo: SDOT In case you missed it, we’re sharing highlights from the SDOT Blog each month. Here are some of our top blog posts from May. SDOT Blog Monthly Highlights… [ Keep reading ]

Bike Everywhere Month | Seattle students bike to school events recap!

Editor’s Note (June 15, 2022): We added a photo and quote from a parent of a student at Hazel Wolf K-12 school in Seattle alongside other Bike to School event photos and information. Summary: As part of Bike Everywhere Month 2022, Seattle students recently participated in bike to school events,… [ Keep reading ]

May is Bike Everywhere Month! Here’s what you need to know to get biking around Seattle.

Please note: this blog post is available in additional languages via the links below, including Amharic, Korean, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. ግንቦት የቢስክሌት ሁሉም ጋ ወር ነው! በሲያትል ውስጥ እንዴት ብስክሌት እንድሚጋለብ ማወቅ ከፈለጉ እንደዚህ ነው። 5월은 Bike Everywhere Month(어디든 자전거로 다니기의 달)입니다! 다음은 자전거로 시애틀 지역을 돌아볼 때 알아야… [ Keep reading ]