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The Two-Way Columbia St Transit Pathway is On Its Way!

We’re working with King County Metro to install a two-way transit pathway on Columbia St between Alaskan Way and 3rd Ave, opening to transit in early 2020. This pathway will support all-day transit service between West Seattle and downtown Seattle by creating an efficient and reliable route for buses… [ Keep reading ]

Right-sizing citation fees

If you’re walking or biking to work, busing to school, driving goods across town, or enjoying a meal at a sidewalk café, you’re using a shared public resource known as the right-of-way. The right-of-way is the space above, below, and at the surface of places like public streets, sidewalks,… [ Keep reading ]

New artwork “Alone Together” delights downtown pedestrians

Join us for a public celebration at Harbor Steps (1221 1st Ave, Seattle) –  Friday, August 2 from 2 – 3 PM. Artwork stickers will be available for the first 250 people. New artwork, Alone Together, by Juliana Kang Robinson, will be interwoven into the infrastructure of the all-walk intersection… [ Keep reading ]

Bike Share Parking 101

Alright Seattle, we know you already know the obvious places where you’re not supposed to park a bike share bike.  GeekWire put together a comprehensive list of incorrectly parked bikes across Seattle in 2017. Presented without comment. But, there are certain spots you may not realize are… [ Keep reading ]

Would you like an outdoor table? More al fresco dining spots are on its way to Seattle!

Sidewalk cafes are spaces on the sidewalk used for outdoor dining. It’s a space for you to enjoy a drink or food outside. Not only are they fun for everyone around Seattle to enjoy, but they provide economic support to businesses and activate our streets. Businesses who are interested… [ Keep reading ]

We studied how we use public spaces. And the results may surprise you.

SDOT city planners launched a first-of-a-kind public life study to collect “people-centered data.” Last summer, when our urban planners launched SDOT’s first-ever public life study (pssst: this is the first ever for any municipal transportation agency in the country!), they weren’t exactly sure what they’d find. One thing we were… [ Keep reading ]

Cho chúng tôi biết trải nghiệm của bạn

Phòng cấp phép sử dụng đường phố thuộc Sở giao thông vận tải Seattle (gọi tắt là SDOT) chịu trách nhiệm quản lý hệ thống đường phố công cộng cũng như cấp giấy phép cho các dự án và hoạt động cần sử dụng đường đi và vỉa hè…. [ Keep reading ]

Cuéntanos su experiencia.

La División de Street Use (Uso de la Calle) de SDOT es responsable por la gestión del derecho de paso público y otorga permisos para proyectos y actividades que impactan las calles y aceras de Seattle. Dado que trabajamos con diversos solicitantes de permisos en muchos proyectos diferentes,… [ Keep reading ]

It’s important that we deliver excellence when you need a permit for a project or activity. Take our survey.

We issue permits for projects & activities that impact Seattle’s streets & sidewalks. Our Street Use Division is responsible for managing the private use of our public right of way. We do this by issuing permits for projects and activities that impact Seattle’s streets and sidewalks. To help keep… [ Keep reading ]

A free & fun activities for all at the High Point Play Area celebration on Sat, Mar 23!

 Join the celebration! Hey, everybody! Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) and Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) invite the community to celebrate the new High Point play area on Saturday, March 23, 2019, from 2 to 4 PM at the High Point play area located behind the High Point Community Center… [ Keep reading ]