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Seattle Restored program facilitates pop-up shops and art installations in and around downtown Seattle – check out how get there via transit and other travel options!

Summary: Seattle’s Office of Economic Development (OED) is partnering with Shunpike and Seattle Good Business Network to host the Seattle Restored program. Seattle Restored matches local small businesses and artists with vacant downtown Seattle storefronts to help revive the central city with creativity and commerce! Pop up shops and art… [ Keep reading ]

SDOT’s Pedestrian Projects Toolkit helps guide our work to evaluate and install infrastructure to improve safety for people walking and rolling in Seattle

Our Pedestrian Projects Toolkit at-a-glance As part of our overall Pedestrian Program, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has developed a Pedestrian Projects Toolkit that provides estimated costs, timelines, and additional contextual details on pedestrian safety and traffic calming improvements. The toolkit is available in English, as well as the… [ Keep reading ]

Visiting the UW Cherry Blossom festival? Take transit, bike, walk, or roll – and enjoy more time celebrating spring!

Have you heard? The cherry blossoms are in full bloom on the University of Washington (UW) Seattle campus, and people are flocking to see them! If you’re planning to go in the next few weeks, please consider riding transit, biking, walking, or rolling, if it’s possible for you. While today… [ Keep reading ]

VISION ZERO | New signs at crosswalks remind drivers to stop for people walking or rolling, as first step in a larger public education campaign

SUMMARY: State law specifies that drivers must stop for pedestrians at practically all intersections, whether or not there is a painted crosswalk. A recent informal survey showed that 70% of drivers claimed to stop for pedestrians at painted crosswalks, but when we observed crosswalks in real life fewer than 20%… [ Keep reading ]

SDOT was recently recognized with a 2022 Vision Award in Transportation for our work to provide sustainable travel options, help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and ultimately act boldly to address climate change

Summary: The Seattle 2030 District recently announced the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) as the winner of its 2022 Vision Award in transportation. You can check out this 2-minute video highlighting the award, which features an interview with Seattle Chief Equity Officer and Deputy Mayor Adiam Emery. Seattle 2030 District’s… [ Keep reading ]

Proposed Green Lake Outer Loop improvements will create safer, more comfortable connections around the outer edge of the park for people walking, running, biking, and rolling.

Please use the below links to drop down to specific pieces of information: Background and project purpose Project details In case you missed it: Feb. 22 virtual public meeting Map of project area Project designs (conceptual) Schedule Funding Resources to learn more How to request translated materials Background and project… [ Keep reading ]

A former “flume” property in Georgetown will be transformed to create a new off-leash dog park and community walking, biking, and rolling connection

We’re happy to share that the Seattle City Council Transportation & Utilities Committee voted today to approve the transfer of a currently unused “flume” site in Georgetown from Seattle City Light to Seattle Parks & Recreation and the Seattle Department of Transportation. What does this mean for the nearby community?… [ Keep reading ]

Best of the Month | What we learned from A Week Without Driving 

The challenge: Can you go a week without driving?    From October 22-29, Disability Rights Washington challenged elected leaders and transportation and transit agency staff to go without driving themselves for a Week Without Driving. More than 100 participated, including SDOT Director Sam Zimbabwe, members of the SDOT senior leadership team, and staff from across the department. The purpose of the week is… [ Keep reading ]

New travel options: walk, bike, roll, or take transit to the new Climate Pledge Arena in Uptown!

Summary: Walk, bike, or roll to the next Climate Pledge Arena event: We’ve been busy installing several new connections to help people safely and more easily travel to the new arena, and move through the Uptown neighborhood. Ride transit to the new arena: Transit is a great option too –… [ Keep reading ]

Walktober is here! Fun ideas to rack up the miles with your family and friends this month

Summary: Walktober: Each year, we celebrate walking and rolling during the entire month of October (aka Walktober)! Walktober features a variety of ways to get involved and get active. FeetFirst and other community-led organizations across the region have seen robust participation each year since 2015! Safe Routes to School: October… [ Keep reading ]