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Posts categorized under allieger, Author at SDOT Blog - Page 2 of 9

Once Around the Web: Crazy/Cool

The news lately is full of crazy and/or cool transportation issues. Take a look! Rolling Coal: Conservatives who show their annoyance with liberals, Obama, and the EPA by blowing black smoke from their trucks. Rolling coal: Anti-EPA drivers rig vehicles to spew black fumes The New Way to “Screw Obama”… [ Keep reading ]

Meet the Artists of Seattle’s Future Waterfront

A major element of Seattle’s future waterfront will be the incorporation of art installations, both permanent and temporary, bringing new vibrancy to the waterfront’s economic and cultural exchanges. Five artists have already been selected for public art commissions and through July 8, 2014, submissions are being accepted for the creation… [ Keep reading ]

Ain’t No Party Like a Bridge Party Because a Bridge Party Brings Us Together!

Don’t forget — Monday June 30th, the South Park Bridge reopens to traffic! Come celebrate the grand opening on Sunday June 29th! After three years of construction King County will open the new South Park Bridge to vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians. The old bridge was closed to traffic because it… [ Keep reading ]

Once Around the Web: Past and Future Construction

Ah, remember when Bertha was working? Those were good times. But tunneling is hard work and sometimes things go wrong. Currently the plan is to have Bertha back on the dig by March 2015 and until then you can follow along via Twitter. They share some pretty cool pictures of… [ Keep reading ]

Bike to Work, Day of Play, and Roxhill Block Party!

Today is Bike to Work day! Need to drop your kids off at school? Take them with you by bike! Show your kids how to plan a comfortable route and drop them off at school on your way to work. Biking is fun and it’s not just for kids! Throughout… [ Keep reading ]

Once Around the Web: Closer to Home

With the stinging failure of Prop 1, folks here at SDOT and around the City are taking stock and trying to figure out what to do next. Check out these links for more information! Plan C..? What’s Plan C? Seattle transit advocates announce ballot measure to keep buses rolling… [ Keep reading ]

Once Around the Web: Newsy news time!

Check out these stories from around the web. Meet the ELF: An American-built solar-powered trike Electric cars growing 100% every year In the U.S., a Quick Walk to the Store Is a Rare Thing Indeed The Fiscal Insanity of Highway Building Talking Headways Podcast: Let Them Drive Cars Crowd-Sourced Infographic… [ Keep reading ]

March showers bring, April leaves?!

As we say goodbye to the wettest March on record, we are greeted with warmer temperatures and a greener Seattle.  All that rain in March and slightly warmer temps have encouraged Seattle’s trees to leaf-out and ensure that Seattle lives up to its nickname of “the Emerald City.” With the… [ Keep reading ]

♪ ♫ ♪ It’s So Easy to Pay By Phone ♪ ♫ ♪

Did you know you can now pay for parking in Seattle with your phone? Almost 125,000 parking purchases have been made by phone since last summer’s launch. Now is a great time for you to try it out! Last July, SDOT launched pay by phone parking to provide more customer… [ Keep reading ]

U District Neighborhood Greenway

The Greenway to Travel – Safety Improvements Proposed for the U District Last November, SDOT started exploring the idea of a neighborhood greenway in the U District. We hosted a meeting in November and quickly learned that there is a lot of great stuff happening there! The University of Washington… [ Keep reading ]