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Posts categorized under Sara Davis, Author at SDOT Blog - Page 10 of 18

Curbside pick-up zones coming to Seattle retail shops!

To support access to the Seattle businesses opening up for curbside delivery, we are rolling out new curbside priority pick-up zones. The State of Washington’s phased approach to re-opening now allows retail stores to re-open for curbside pick-up. To support these businesses, we are installing temporary 15-minute loading zones to… [ Keep reading ]

The Cowen Park Bridge seismic retrofits are complete!

We recently completed seismic retrofit construction on Cowen Park Bridge. Infrastructure maintenance is critical for a healthy, vibrant, and connected city. Earthquakes could have a significant detrimental effect on Seattle’s infrastructure. That’s why in 2016 the City of Seattle established a bridge seismic retrofit program and selected 16 bridges for seismic retrofits, all funded and made possible… [ Keep reading ]

Travel Alert: Two-way traffic restored on NW 54th St and NW Locks Pl in Ballard

On Saturday, May 9, NW 54th St & NW Locks Pl will be restored to two-way traffic! As part of the Ballard Multimodal Corridor project, work along NW Market St and NW 54th St is underway to improve sidewalks, signals and crossings, pave roadways, and complete transit improvements. To allow… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle takes new steps to fine-tune traffic signals for people walking and rolling during COVID-19 health crisis

The COVID-19 health crisis has made us all rethink business as usual. Across the city, creative people have been working together to plan and execute immediate changes to help people and businesses in our city during this unprecedented time. One way that we are adapting to the city’s changing needs has been to adjust nearly 800 traffic signals throughout Seattle to reduce the time people need to wait to cross… [ Keep reading ]

የሲያትል ፓርኪንግ ማሻሻያዎች

English-version of this blog here. SDOT ጊዜያዊ የመኪና ማቆሚያ ለውጦችን አስታውቋል፡፡ በክፍያ መኪና ማቆሚያ ጎዳናዎች ላይ ክፍያ አይጠየቅም የተከለከሉ ማቆሚያዎች (RPZs)ውስጥ ካልሆነ በስተቀር የሰዓት የጊዜ ገደቦች ተፈጻሚ አይሆኑም በ RPZs ውስጥ የጊዜ ገደቦች መተግበር ይቀጥላሉ ስለዚህ በእነዚህ ሰፈሮች ውስጥ የሚኖሩ ሰዎች አሁንም ማቆሚያ ሊያገኙ ይችላሉ፡፡ ያለፍቃድ በ RPZ ውስጥ ካቆሙ… [ Keep reading ]


English-version of this blog here. 西雅圖交通運輸局 (SDOT) 已宣佈有關臨時停車規定的變更資訊。 停在有收費街道停車格無需付費。 除非在限制停車區 (RPZs) 內,否則將不強制實行時間限制; 限制停車區的時間限制將繼續執行 所以居住在該等社區的人仍然可以找到停車位。 如果您在無許可證的情況下將車停在限制停車區,您需要遵循該等發佈的時間限制。 裝載區(包括新的食物領取區)最長達 30 分鐘的時間限制將繼續執行。 所有禁止停車的標誌(包括指定時間內禁止停車的標誌)仍將繼續執行。 專用區域將繼續保持有效,包括為醫院和公共服務部工作人員設置的新區域, 以及現有區域,例如貨運、餐車和專用巴士的區域。

시애틀 주차 최신 소식

English-version of this blog here. 시애틀 교통국(Seattle Department of Transportation, SDOT)은 임시 주차 변경을 발표했습니다. 도로의 유료주차구역 주차 시 요금을 지불하지 않아도 됩니다. 주차 제한 구역(Restricted Parking Zones, RPZ) 내 주차를 제외하고 시간당 주차 제한이 시행되지 않습니다. RPZ 내 시간 제한은 계속 시행됩니다. 이는 이 지역 거주민들의 주차 공간 확보를… [ Keep reading ]

Cubsoonaysiinta Baarkinka Seattle

English-version of this blog here. SDOT waxay bayaamisay isbadal meelaha gaadiidka la dhigo oo ku meel gaadh ah. Waxba kharash la iskama qaadayo wixii wadooyinka marka hore baarkinkooda lacagta la bixin jiray. Saacadaha la xadidi jiray iminka lama xadido marka laga reebo Aaga Ka Xidhan Dhigashada Gaadiidka (Restricted Parking Zones,… [ Keep reading ]

Thông Tin Cập Nhật về Đậu Xe tại Seattle

English-version of this blog here. Sở Giao Thông Seattle (Seattle Department of Transportation, SDOT) đã công bố các thay đổi về nơi đậu xe tạm thời. Quý vị không phải trả tiền trên các tuyến phố đậu xe trả phí. Giới hạn thời gian theo giờ sẽ không có hiệu… [ Keep reading ]

Actualizaciones del estacionamiento en Seattle

English-version of this blog here. El Departamento de Transporte de Seattle (Seattle Department of Transportation, SDOT) ha anunciado cambios temporales en las normas de estacionamiento. No se requiere pago en las calles con estacionamiento de pago. No se impondrán los límites de tiempo por hora, excepto dentro de las Zonas… [ Keep reading ]