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Posts categorized under 2024 Seattle Transportation Levy Archives - SDOT Blog

Neighborhood walks inform sidewalk expansion plans | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog stats: 1,000 words | 5-minute read We’ve been out walking the walk and co-creating sidewalk and walkway plans with community members in the Pinehurst and Northgate neighborhoods. This is just the beginning. SDOT will build sidewalk projects throughout the city as part of an ambitious push to add 250… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle bids an appreciative farewell to Transportation Director Greg Spotts

Blog stats: 1,000 words | 5-minute read Today is Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) Director Greg Spotts’ final day on the job. Director Spotts was appointed to the role in September 2022 and led the department to increase the pace of construction during the final years of the 2015 Levy… [ Keep reading ]