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Spokane St Swing Bridge update: Flooded power conduit repaired as we prepare to remove a damaged hydraulic cylinder

Related Updates: We’re also working to enhance the safety and convenience of the detour routes with temporary protected bike lanes and improvements for freight. Read more. This is part of a series of updates about our urgent response to the ongoing Spokane St Swing Bridge closure. Click here to see… [ Keep reading ]

Resources to get around during the Spokane St Swing Bridge closure

Update (January 3, 2022) Our crew of bridge engineers and technical experts have been in the bridge every day since the bridge was damaged during last week’s storm. Click here for a detailed update on the repairs we’ve completed so far. In addition to engineers and technical experts working to… [ Keep reading ]

What we’re doing to maintain and preserve the Spokane St Swing Bridge

Update (December 31, 2022)  Our crew of bridge engineers and technical experts have been in the bridge every day since the bridge was damaged during last week’s storm. Click here for a detailed update on the repairs we’ve completed so far. Click here for resources to get around during the… [ Keep reading ]

“Why is this Sidewalk Closed?” Getting Answers while Getting Around Safely!

We all depend on sidewalks to get around, so it can be frustrating when a sidewalk we often use is closed – especially when it isn’t clear why. Since sidewalks are part of the public right-of-way, a permit is required to close the sidewalk, and it is typically related to… [ Keep reading ]

Spokane St Swing Bridge remains closed while SDOT repairs machinery damaged after ice storm power outage

Closure for people biking, walking, and driving and freight traffic will last minimum of 2 weeks. The Spokane St Swing Bridge (Low Bridge) will remain closed for at least two weeks while our crews continue working to repair mechanical issues that intensified after a power outage during the ice storm… [ Keep reading ]

Best of the Month | Biking and scooting to transit, travel safety tips for darker weather conditions, and Levy to Move Seattle project highlights

In case you missed it, we’re sharing highlights from the SDOT Blog each month. Here are some of our top posts from November. Please note: you can click on the headlines to go directly to any specific blog post (#1-5) – or just read on for a shorter recap of… [ Keep reading ]

Travel Advisory: Shilshole Ave NW bike lanes beneath Ballard Bridge will be closed on Monday as we make safety enhancements to train track crossing.

Update (January 5, 2023) It was not possible to begin this work on the week of December 19, 2022 due to snow storms and freezing rain. Work began on January 5, 2023. Next week, we will be building safety enhancements to the bike lanes on Shilshole Ave NW beneath the… [ Keep reading ]

Farewell, Pier 63, and welcome, salmon, and other fish!  

Over the last couple of months, the Office of the Waterfront & Civic Projects has been working to remove Pier 63, for good. To accomplish this, nearly 50,000 square feet of decking and 894 creosote-treated timber piles were removed! Spot the differences and color in Pier 63 on your own… [ Keep reading ]

What to know about transportation investments in Seattle’s 2023-2024 Adopted Budget

Summary: Today, Mayor Harrell signed the 2023-2024 City of Seattle Adopted Budget, passed by the Seattle City Council last week. Most transportation investments outlined in the 2023-2024 Proposed Budget remain in the final budget, which invests millions of dollars in safer streets, traffic-calming infrastructure, sidewalks, and major bridge repair projects,… [ Keep reading ]

LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK | Repaving & bridge safety upgrades in Ballard start in 2023 – please take our survey to help us minimize traffic effects

Summary: Thank you, Seattle! Your Levy to Move Seattle dollars are funding major improvements on 15th Ave W/NW and a seismic retrofit of the Leary Way Bridge (just north of the Ballard Bridge), which will make it safer in the event of an earthquake. We’re currently designing paving and other… [ Keep reading ]