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LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK | Your investment through the Levy to Move Seattle is helping us make Seattle more accessible to everyone. Read about what we’ve done, where we’re going, & how we’ll get there in our ADA Transition Plan Update.

Summary Along with other funding sources, your tax dollars are hard at work through the Levy to Move Seattle to make city programs, services, and activities accessible to people of all abilities.  Fun fact: The Levy funds every curb ramp that we install from our customer service request queue. From that… [ Keep reading ]

In the COVID-19 Impact Assessment of the Levy to Move Seattle, we analyze & recommend changes to previous project pause decisions made because of COVID-19 budget impacts

Summary  Back in December, we introduced the values, goals, and process that guided our 2020 COVID-19 Impact Assessment (COVID Assessment) of the Levy to Move Seattle.  This is a powerful Levy that, despite challenges, will result in a vast array of improvements citywide by the end of its lifetime.   However, local funding… [ Keep reading ]

Following City’s Victory to Reverse I-976, Mayor Durkan Announces Plan to Restore $23.7 million for Transit Service and Projects

Mayor Jenny A. Durkan has announced a proposal to invest $23.7 million in funding back into an array of transit service and mobility improvements consistent with the will of Seattle voters when they supported Seattle Transportation Benefit District (STBD Proposition 1). These funds represent the amount collected but held in… [ Keep reading ]

We’re breaking ground for a safer intersection and repaved roads in Beacon Hill!

Thanks to your Levy to Move Seattle tax dollars and our Safe Routes to School program, construction started today on 15th Ave S between S Spokane St and S Angeline St in Beacon Hill! This project will increase safety for people traveling along this important connection between Beacon Hill and Rainier Valley. Here at SDOT,… [ Keep reading ]

Hi, High Point and West Seattle! A longer Neighborhood Greenway & new signal on 35th Ave SW are coming thanks to Levy to Move Seattle tax dollars at work.

Thanks to the ongoing engagement and enthusiasm of the community, this new north-south neighborhood greenway is becoming a reality! We’re starting construction later this month on the second phase of the West Seattle Neighborhood Greenway and a new walk/roll/bike signal across 35th Ave SW. Phase 2 of the neighborhood greenway runs from SW Graham St to… [ Keep reading ]

Have you seen the new sidewalks in Lake City and South Park?

Sidewalks are the building blocks of an effective pedestrian network. There are currently more than 2,000 miles of sidewalks in Seattle, and we’re growing that number every day. We are committed to increasing the number of sidewalks in the city with your help! Your tax dollars are hard at work through the Levy… [ Keep reading ]

We are in the process of completing a 2020 COVID-19 Impact Assessment of the Levy to Move Seattle. Here, we outline why and how we completed this assessment in advance of its release early next year.

Summary Thanks to your investment through the Levy to Move Seattle, we continue to deliver on projects throughout the city to keep you moving safely and efficiently.   The Levy to Move Seattle portfolio was not spared from budget shortfalls caused by COVID-19. We took thoughtful, immediate action to pause projects while we identified necessary budget reductions.  The midpoint of the… [ Keep reading ]

We are halfway through our paving and redesign work in and around Green Lake thanks to your Levy to Move Seattle dollars at work!

Summary We made the intersection of NE Ravenna Blvd, NE 71st St, and E Green Lake Way N more predictable for everyone. Changes will help with visibility – especially for people driving, who can now more easily spot people walking and rolling. We also wrapped up significant work on N 40th… [ Keep reading ]

Scooter Share Update: All three operators have now launched! Please keep the rules of the road in mind when riding.

Editor’s Note (April 26, 2022): Some photos in this blog post have been updated since the program originally launched, to show properly parked scooters in Seattle. Summary LINK, Wheels, and Lime have received their permits and have launched operations in Seattle! We want the scooter share program to be successful, and to… [ Keep reading ]

What’s Moving in Your Neighborhood!

UPDATED NOVEMBER 13, 2020 As needed, we’ll update this post on Fridays with construction impacts you can expect in your neighborhood as we continue our work on important projects throughout the city. Please keep in mind that, as with most construction, expected effects may include: Temporary driveway impacts, noise and… [ Keep reading ]