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Posts categorized under Pedestrians Archives - Page 98 of 107 - SDOT Blog

Just a bit more…

If you travel in SODO you’ve likely noticed that Airport Way South is looking better and better (see pretty pics below!).  That’s because hard-working construction crews completed phase one of improvements to Airport Way South (South Spokane Street up to South Royal Brougham Way) this year and just about completed Airport… [ Keep reading ]

One Push of the Button Will Do

NPR recently did a story on whether those “close door  >< ” elevator  buttons actually work*.  The reporter closed the story with “they are just like pedestrian push buttons…”  Well, we thought we’d clarify how those pedestrian push buttons work.  Most buttons are tied into the signal cycle for the… [ Keep reading ]

Its time for Figgy Pudding

The annual Figgy Pudding caroling event is this Friday night.  The event features more than 40 teams singing through the downtown core and 1,000s of shoppers and spectators. It always brings good cheer.  This year, SDOT is participating in two ways to make your holiday travel even better. The City… [ Keep reading ]

Mercer Corridor Recommended Routes

Work on the Mercer Corridor Project is well underway including the travel pains that go along with construction, as we all await the improvements.  In a continued effort to ease the pain project team members this week released a Mercer East Construction Notice with route recommendations for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists.  Below… [ Keep reading ]

Airport Way S & 6th Ave S Intersection Closed This Weekend

Crews will be working this weekend to remove old pavement and rebuild Airport Way South between 6th Avenue South and South Dearborn Street. To do that, the intersection of Airport Way South and 6th Ave South must be completely closed. Planned work hours are from 7 p.m. tonight to 7 p.m…. [ Keep reading ]

Trick or Treat with Your Feet

As you think about which houses in your neighborhood will have the best Halloween Lights or Treats; you can also use our new walking maps to help you plan your route. The Seattle Walking mapwas designed to help you choose a walking route that best suits your interests and fitness… [ Keep reading ]

Central Waterfront’s Project Management/ Engineering Team Selected

The City of Seattle is pleased to announce the selection of Central Waterfront Partners as the project management/engineering team for Seattle’s Central Waterfront project.  This project management/ engineering team will now combine with our recently selected design team, headed by james corner field operations, to jointly design and build the… [ Keep reading ]

Keep that input coming!

Tuesday evening, at the first public open house for the very early in design Mercer West project, 155 people signed in and brought their questions and comments. After signing in, attendees gathered near a looping 3-minute narrated PowerPoint presentation to gain a general understanding of the project, before moving on… [ Keep reading ]

Tuesday Night – learn about the “other” Mercer…

With all the hoopla surrounding the September 8th groundbreaking of the Mercer Corridor Project, lovingly referred to as Mercer East, you may not have picked up on the details of the Mercer West Project.  The Mercer West Project would complete the City’s vision for a direct, two-way connection between I-5… [ Keep reading ]

Golden Shovels Kick Off Mercer Fix

Golden (i.e. color only, not karat-rated) shovels dug in yesterday morning, amid rain and a solid crowd. In attendance were Mayor Mike McGinn, Senator Patty Murray, Governor Chris Gregoire, Federal Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, Representative Jim McDermott and approximately 125 people in all. The $160 million contract made up of… [ Keep reading ]