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New drawings illustrate potential ideas for Aurora Ave N as we continue building safety upgrades in 2024 | Take our survey by April 5

Blog stats: 1,200 words | 6-minute read At-a-Glance: Aurora Ave N is one of Seattle’s busiest streets connecting many neighborhoods, businesses, and travelers every day. We are sharing several conceptual ideas to help envision potential future improvements along Aurora Ave N. These early sketches would require additional outreach, design, and… [ Keep reading ]

South Seattle safety & bike projects moving forward with completed designs! | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK 

Construction crews paving new southbound bike ramp at I-90 Trail. Photo SDOT. Blog stats: 1,200 words | 6-minute read Editor’s note: We published a previous blog post on these projects on Dec. 1, 2023. This post provides the latest project details and several progress updates since that post. At-a-glance: Design… [ Keep reading ]

Best of the Year | SDOT’s 2023 Highlights!

Blog stats: 500 words | 3-minute read 2023 was another major year for the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and our work to keep Seattle moving forward. Our theme for the year was “Delivery: fast and flavorful, in concert with our values.” We focused on accelerating projects to provide more… [ Keep reading ]

Data shows more people biking & walking along West Marginal Way SW without impacting freight travel | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog stats: 1,000 words | 5-minute read At-a-glance: Post-project results The West Marginal Way SW Safety Corridor Project has led to several notable outcomes, including safety benefits for people biking, walking, rolling, and driving. Travel volumes Supporting our Vision Zero efforts This project closely aligns with our Vision Zero plan… [ Keep reading ]

South Seattle safety and bike projects are making exciting progress! | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog stats: 1,800 words | 9-minute read We are committed to building safety and mobility improvements in South Seattle. The four Levy to Move Seattle-funded projects detailed in this blog are a top priority for our entire department. We are working hard to deliver these important safety improvements for everyone…. [ Keep reading ]

RapidRide J Line design complete, construction begins next year | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog stats: 1,200 words | 6-minute read We have completed the final design of the RapidRide J Line! In the coming months, we’ll advance the process of selecting a contractor and begin preparations for construction, which is expected to begin in summer 2024. This project upgrades King County Metro’s Route… [ Keep reading ]

Summer 2023 Highlights | Improving safety in Seattle with protected bike lanes and Vision Zero programs, thanks to the Levy to Move Seattle 

Blog Stats: 2,000 words | 11-minute read It was a busy summer for safety in Seattle as we advanced designs or started construction on several exciting bike lane and safety projects around the city. We also expanded several important programs aimed at achieving our Vision Zero goal to end traffic… [ Keep reading ]

Construction starts on the MLK Jr Way Safety Project, which will improve transit access in South Seattle between Mount Baker Station and the future Judkins Park Station | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog Stats: 1,300 words | 7-minute read On Friday, October 6, 2023, we broke ground on the MLK Jr Way Safety Project in South Seattle with an event at Sam Smith Park which brought together City leaders, partners, and community advocates to celebrate the start of construction on an important… [ Keep reading ]

New protected bike lane and street paving coming to the Roosevelt neighborhood! | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK 

At a Glance Thank you, Seattle! The Levy to Move Seattle, approved by voters in 2015, is helping to fund this important safety project.  We’ve completed the final design of the 11th Ave NE & 12th Ave NE Paving & Safety Project! We are adding to our citywide bicycle network;… [ Keep reading ]

New walk/bike signal, crosswalk, traffic-calming landscaped median added to 15th Ave NW paving project in response to community safety conversation | LEVY, SEATTLE TRANSIT MEASURE DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog Stats: 1,200 words | 6-minute read The design for the 15th Ave W/NW and Ballard Bridge Paving and Safety Project is complete. We’re scheduled to start construction preparation by the end of the year. Learn more about our plans, including new safety enhancements, traffic calming features, and bus-only lane… [ Keep reading ]