Weekend travel tips – how to get to the Capitol Hill Block Party, West Seattle Grand Parade, and more!
Please note – You can click any of the drop-down links to go directly to a specific topic: Capitol Hill Block Party West Seattle Grand Parade and Alki Art Fair Home games for Seattle sports Construction snapshot Transit and trip planning resources It’s almost the weekend, Seattle! Whether you’re headed to… [ Keep reading ]
West Seattle and Ballard light rail extensions project: City of Seattle elevates Seattle community interests in our formal comments to Sound Transit, as part of the planning and environmental review process.
Editor’s Note (June 8, 2022): We presented to the Seattle City Council on June 7 regarding the City’s draft recommendations. Recommended next steps include additional environmental analysis, continued community engagement, and other refinements to help minimize project impacts and promote system access for communities throughout the project corridor. To learn… [ Keep reading ]