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SDOT’s Surface Repairs Fixing Roadways

Last month Mayor McGinn and the Seattle City Council announced that the city would commit an additional $3 million to help repair Seattle’s streets in 2011. By using part of the proceeds from the sale of the Rubble Yard, a parcel of land owned by SDOT, the money helps the department complete even more roadway improvement work in 2011. The funding, in addition to… [ Keep reading ]

Thank You Rainier Valley for Celebrating in the Street!

Thanks to Rainier Valley businesses, neighbors, friends and everyone else who helped make last Saturday’s Hertitage Parade and Summer Streets event a huge success. An estimated 4,000 people enjoyed the Heritage Parade and party; watching wonderful drill teams; a kids bike parade, and ethnic dances from Ethiopia to Mexico and… [ Keep reading ]

A Hike through History on the Cheshiahud Loop

Lake Union has a fascinating history. The lake has served as home to Native American villages, lumber mills, airplanes, boat-building, the military, and recreation. The six-mile “Cheshiahud Lake Union Loop” trail around Lake Union is named in honor of the Duwamish chief who led a village located on Lake Union…. [ Keep reading ]

Summer Sidewalk Season

Despite the cool summer temps this year, it’s been more than twenty days since we’ve had any real rain around here.  Believe it or not, Seattle is one of the driest cities in the country this time of year and SDOT takes full advantage of our annual summer drought to build new… [ Keep reading ]

W Thomas Ped & Bike Overpass Construction Begins

Construction to build the West Thomas Pedestrian and Bicycle Overpass begins next week, with some preparation work already underway.  Once complete, the new structure over Elliott Avenue West and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad tracks will improve safety and access for pedestrians traveling from the lower Queen Anne… [ Keep reading ]

Citizen Oversight of the Bridging the Gap Levy

Concerned about how Bridging the Gap (BTG) levy funds are being used in Seattle? Then you will be pleased to know that a citizen-led Bridging the Gap Levy Oversight Committee ensures that these vital funds are appropriately spent on addressing Seattle’s maintenance backlog and enhancing its transportation infrastructure. This committee… [ Keep reading ]

Thank you PhinneyWood for a wonderful Summer Streets block party!

Thanks to PhinneyWood businesses, neighbors, friends and everyone else who helped make Friday’s Summer Streets event a huge success. An estimated 10,000 people enjoyed strolling the street, riding bikes, interacting with artists, watching acrobats, making art, listening to bands, creating music, chasing bubbles, meeting friends, shopping in local businesses, taking… [ Keep reading ]

Why Bridging the Gap Alone Can’t Eliminate Seattle’s Maintenance Backlog

Earlier this year SDOT provided new estimates of our maintenance backlog and annual maintenance needs to the Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee and the Seattle City Council. Many folks have asked why these figures have changed so dramatically since 2006, prior to passage of the Bridging the Gap Levy.  During development… [ Keep reading ]

Ship Canal Trail Construction Begins Soon

Construction on the long-awaited final segment of the Ship Canal Trail is expected to begin in early September.  One of the many hurdles the project team had to overcome was the successful negotiation of permits to move private utility lines to a new location – necessary before Burlington Northern Santa… [ Keep reading ]

Current Standings in WBR Challenge Contest

People are asking, so here you go—the latest standings in the Walk Bike Ride Challenge neighborhood competition. Some neighborhoods moved up, and others down since our last update, which shows that you can make a difference in which neighborhood wins.  All of Seattle wins with these great stats: over 1,200… [ Keep reading ]