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Posts categorized under Biking Archives - Page 78 of 85 - SDOT Blog

Construction of New Trail on Beacon Hill Begins

The long-awaited Mountains-to-Sound Trail begins construction June 20, with crews working from north to south.  The new trail  will run from Jose Rizal Bridge just south of I-90 and east of I-5 at Dr. Jose Rizal Park, and extend south to South Holgate Street.  Construction is expected to be complete in… [ Keep reading ]

Biking Will Get Better in Green Lake this Summer

This summer SDOT will make bicycling easier and safer in Green Lake by installing bike lanes and sharrows to connect the bike lanes on East Green Lake Way N to the bike lanes on NE Ravenna Blvd.  This will connect homes, Green Lake Elementary and the shops along NE 65th… [ Keep reading ]

New Bike Lanes Coming to Ballard this Summer

Biking is about to get easier and safer in Ballard.  This summer SDOT is adding bike lanes on 20th Ave NW between NW Market St and NW 65th—connecting the Ballard business district to the single family homes, apartments, condos, businesses and Salmon Bay School to the north.  The new bike… [ Keep reading ]

SDOT Makes Walking and Biking to School Safer, Easier

On May 19, SDOT invited parents, teachers and students to participate in a walking audit at Coe Elementary School.  SDOT is conducting a Safe Routes to School program at Coe that includes engineering improvements around the school as well as pedestrian safety education and a walking encouragement campaign.  During the… [ Keep reading ]

Roll your bike up the staircase

If you’ve ever carried your bike up a public stairway or clunk-clunked it along the steps–or avoided a trip by bike entirely because of that steep hill–we’ve got good news for you.  Some newer staircases in Seattle are sporting a simple design feature: a runnel, which is a narrow ledge… [ Keep reading ]

“Susie Stephens Forest” grows in honor of community activist and friend

  Susie Stephens was a bright burst of energy in this world, committed creator of livable communities, bicyclist, environmentalist and world traveler.  She was known for her quotes that many of us still take to heart such as “Today’s lesson: If you don’t like where you are, pedal,” or “Potholes… [ Keep reading ]

Bicycle detour in SODO through June. Know your options.

The multi-use path in SODO which connects downtown to West Seattle will be closed between S Royal Brougham Way and S Atlantic Street from today through early June.  The simplest advice for cyclists is to ride as usual in this area and then follow the clearly marked detour routes.  For… [ Keep reading ]

Summer Streets Return This Weekend!

The good weather is a sign that summer is right around the corner, which must mean that it’s time for Summer Streets! Summer Streets open up the city’s largest public space – our streets – for people to have fun, celebrate their community, discover healthy transportation options and support local… [ Keep reading ]

Now’s your chance to speak up about Seattle’s transportation system!

      Everybody has an opinion about transportation.  What’s yours?  Now’s your chance to be heard!  For details, please see our website. Last fall, the City Council adopted Resolution Number 31240 which states the City’s intent to convene a Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) III to advise the Mayor… [ Keep reading ]

Alki Summer Streets May 22 – It’s everybody’s street… Imagine the possibilities!

Alki Summer Streets is happening in less than two weeks– Sun., May 22 11am-5pm.  We’ll be turning the street in the Alki business district into a place for people.  So come out and play, hang out, celebrate, relax—whatever you want to do. Lots of activities, Alki businesses, local community groups,… [ Keep reading ]