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Isn’t It Pretty?

A lot of work went into repaving Dexter Avenue North from Fourth Avenue North to Roy Street, and the attention to detail shows.  Maybe we’re just paving nerds, but darned if it doesn’t look pretty!  Stand outs among the many improvements include two new crosswalks, dedicated transit islands at 10… [ Keep reading ]

SDOT Celebrates PARK(ing) Day with a Latino Flair

On Friday, September 16, cities around the globe, artists and community members independently, but simultaneously temporarily took over and transformed parking spaces into public parks and other social spaces, as part of an annual event called “PARK(ing) Day.” The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and Latino City Employees partnered with… [ Keep reading ]

15th Avenue NE Reconstruction Project Nearly Complete!

Update: Some finishing work remains and will be compltede within the next month to close out this important project!  Visit SDOT’s Flickr page to see construction pics! In January 2011, SDOT began work on 15th Ave NE in the University District. The street was reconstructed between NE Pacific St and NE… [ Keep reading ]

W Thomas Ped & Bike Overpass Construction Begins

Construction to build the West Thomas Pedestrian and Bicycle Overpass begins next week, with some preparation work already underway.  Once complete, the new structure over Elliott Avenue West and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad tracks will improve safety and access for pedestrians traveling from the lower Queen Anne… [ Keep reading ]

Why Bridging the Gap Alone Can’t Eliminate Seattle’s Maintenance Backlog

Earlier this year SDOT provided new estimates of our maintenance backlog and annual maintenance needs to the Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee and the Seattle City Council. Many folks have asked why these figures have changed so dramatically since 2006, prior to passage of the Bridging the Gap Levy.  During development… [ Keep reading ]

Got a Parking Opinion? Express Yourself!

Parking. Whether it’s on the street or in a garage, it’s something that many people do on a regular basis. While people certainly don’t drive for the sole purpose of parking, the act of finding a spot is inevitable. We want to hear about your experiences. At SDOT, we manage… [ Keep reading ]

SDOT Tests New CityPal Pay Stations

More than 2,200 pay stations line our city streets in neighborhood business districts and the downtown core making it easier for people to pay for parking.  Most people have become accustomed to using these high tech parking tools that enable parkers to use cash or credit to pay for on… [ Keep reading ]

Parking Pay Station Problems

In Seattle a number of on-street parking pay stations recently experienced some technical problems. A cellular tower operated for our pay station provider, Parkeon, had signal strength trouble that intermittently prevented the stations from processing credit card transactions. The tower typically broadcasts a signal for eight to ten miles but sporadically… [ Keep reading ]

Now’s your chance to speak up about Seattle’s transportation system!

      Everybody has an opinion about transportation.  What’s yours?  Now’s your chance to be heard!  For details, please see our website. Last fall, the City Council adopted Resolution Number 31240 which states the City’s intent to convene a Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) III to advise the Mayor… [ Keep reading ]

West Mercer Place Open House March 15

The Seattle Department of Transportation invites you to an Open House for the “West Mercer Place” portion of the Mercer West project to be held Tuesday, March 15th, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Seattle Center.   The purpose of the Open House is to: Provide the preliminary results of the study regarding  the… [ Keep reading ]