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Spokane St Swing Bridge remains closed while SDOT repairs machinery damaged after ice storm power outage

Closure for people biking, walking, and driving and freight traffic will last minimum of 2 weeks. The Spokane St Swing Bridge (Low Bridge) will remain closed for at least two weeks while our crews continue working to repair mechanical issues that intensified after a power outage during the ice storm… [ Keep reading ]

With temperatures rising, please be aware of the potential for flooding, pooled water, landslides, and more

After several days of snow, ice, and below-freezing conditions, the forecast calls for temperatures to begin rising tonight, and remain warmer in the coming days, along with significant rainfall. Here are some tips and reminders to help you stay safe if you need to travel. Please be aware of potential… [ Keep reading ]

Best of the Month | Biking and scooting to transit, travel safety tips for darker weather conditions, and Levy to Move Seattle project highlights

In case you missed it, we’re sharing highlights from the SDOT Blog each month. Here are some of our top posts from November. Please note: you can click on the headlines to go directly to any specific blog post (#1-5) – or just read on for a shorter recap of… [ Keep reading ]

Winter weather safety reminders and how you can stay informed

Quick links: With temperatures expected to be below freezing much of this week and snow in the forecast, we want to remind the public to travel with caution, as street conditions may be slick and icy. While it’s a busy holiday travel week, we urge you to go slow, leave… [ Keep reading ]

SDOT Director Greg Spotts highlights climate response plans at Mayor Harrell’s Executive Order signing

500 words | 3-minute read Summary: Click on the video clip below to watch Greg’s remarks: “This is a very exciting day for us at SDOT. There’s been a really great One Seattle approach in developing this Executive Order. At this time, we have to really concentrate our efforts… I’m… [ Keep reading ]

What to know about transportation investments in Seattle’s 2023-2024 Adopted Budget

Summary: Today, Mayor Harrell signed the 2023-2024 City of Seattle Adopted Budget, passed by the Seattle City Council last week. Most transportation investments outlined in the 2023-2024 Proposed Budget remain in the final budget, which invests millions of dollars in safer streets, traffic-calming infrastructure, sidewalks, and major bridge repair projects,… [ Keep reading ]

LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK | New crosswalks and bike lanes, new and repaired stairways, nearly 10 miles of repaved streets, and more thanks to your Levy dollars

We are pleased to present the Q3 2022 Levy to Move Seattle Report! The report highlights work funded by the voter-approved Levy to Move Seattle (thank you, Seattle!) from July through September 2022. More information can also be found in the online Levy dashboard. Finishing strong on the Levy is… [ Keep reading ]

Share your input on the design of the Alki Point Healthy Street

At our project open house on Wednesday, Nov. 9, we shared design plans for the Alki Point Healthy Street. We want your feedback on the design of the Healthy Street, including signs, landscaping, travel lanes, and traffic calming elements such as traffic circles and curb bulbs. For anyone who couldn’t… [ Keep reading ]

LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK | East Marginal Way project reaches major milestone! We’re hiring a contractor to start construction on safety and freight mobility improvements in 2023.

Summary: We are improving East Marginal Way with your Levy to Move Seattle dollars! The project is divided into three parts, and we are starting the process of hiring a contractor to construct the first part – the North Segment – which runs from S Spokane St to S Atlantic… [ Keep reading ]

We’re back to traveling more in the dark. Reminders to be safe on the street as daylight saving time ends.

This coming Sunday, November 6 is the end of daylight saving time, which brings us an extra hour of sleep! However, shorter days ahead mean more of us are commuting during times when visibility is especially challenging. Traveling in the dark means drivers will need to take steps to avoid… [ Keep reading ]