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We’re celebrating Walk to School Day and Month – and a national award for our work to support safe travel to schools

Summary: Today, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell joined SDOT Director Greg Spotts, Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Brent Jones, National Center for Safe Routes to School Director Nancy Pullen-Seufert, and students and parents for a walk to Dunlap Elementary School in Rainier Beach on Walk to School Day (October 12). The… [ Keep reading ]

VISION ZERO | Stop for Flock’s Sake! Every intersection is a crosswalk.

Summary: We’re launching a new set of billboards and ads as part of our grant-funded public safety education and awareness campaign. State law specifies that drivers must stop for pedestrians at practically all intersections, whether or not there is a painted crosswalk. Through a Safe System approach, we continue to… [ Keep reading ]

LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK | Construction starts this month on Green Lake Outer Loop project and new bike lane along Aurora Ave N

We are excited that this month we expect to begin construction of a new bike lane on Aurora Ave N, along the western edge of Green Lake! The Green Lake Outer Loop project will complete the outer biking path around Green Lake to complement the historic inner path along the… [ Keep reading ]

LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK | Take our survey to help develop a better, safer Aurora Avenue N and learn about other projects in the area!

Editor’s Note (9/30/2022): This blog post was updated to note that the survey has been extended through October 7, 2022. Summary: We’re planning improvements to Aurora Ave N as part of the Aurora Ave Project and want to hear from you via our quick survey, open now through October 7,… [ Keep reading ]

LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK | Spring and summer construction season is here, which means your Levy dollars have been hard at work in the second quarter of 2022 

We are pleased to share the Levy to Move Seattle Q2 2022 Report with you!  This report is a summary of work that we completed with Levy to Move Seattle funding in the second quarter of 2022 (April through June). Check out our online dashboard for all the details!   We want to take a… [ Keep reading ]

It’s time to Slow the Flock Down!

We’re here to say something: it’s time to Slow the Flock Down! We’re all members of the larger flock when we travel, and we want everyone to drive slowly and safely so we can all get home to our nests at the end of each day, period. We, in partnership… [ Keep reading ]

LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK | Better intersections, bike lanes, sidewalks, and pavement arrive in northeast Seattle! 

Summary We are excited to share that the 15th Ave NE Paving Project is complete! The improvements we made are a combination of many projects including paving, biking, Vision Zero, and Safe Routes to School!    15th Ave NE is a busy street connecting University District, Ravenna, and Maple Leaf neighborhoods,… [ Keep reading ]

Competitive application process focused on safety, equity, and proper parking leads to changes in Seattle’s scooter line-up

Seattle’s scooter share program gives residents and visitors another option to get around the city without a car. Last month, we concluded the program’s pilot phase. We shared the next steps in a blog post, which included conducting a competitive application process to choose the next set of scooter share… [ Keep reading ]

Recap of last weekend’s educational “Touch-A-Truck” event in Seattle – building interest in transportation and public service with people of all ages!

This past Sunday, May 1, 2022, our team at the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) participated in this year’s “Touch-A-Truck” event, hosted by the Junior League of Seattle at Magnuson Park. This event was open to the community, and provided a fun hands-on opportunity for families and children of all… [ Keep reading ]

National Work Zone Awareness Week: April 11-15, 2022 – help do your part by paying attention to signs and slowing down when you drive to and through work zones and incident response scenes

This week is National Work Zone Awareness Week (April 11-15, 2022), and we’re here to remind you to please pay attention as you approach and drive through work zones to help keep workers, yourself, and other people traveling in the area all safe. Every day, our team members at the… [ Keep reading ]