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Airport Way S & 6th Ave S Intersection Closed This Weekend

Crews will be working this weekend to remove old pavement and rebuild Airport Way South between 6th Avenue South and South Dearborn Street. To do that, the intersection of Airport Way South and 6th Ave South must be completely closed. Planned work hours are from 7 p.m. tonight to 7 p.m…. [ Keep reading ]

Weekend Overnight Closure of Westbound Spokane Street Viaduct

Work Scheduled from 10pm to 5am  UPDATE-Work to be overnight Saturday Crews working to widen the Spokane Street Viaduct must close the westbound lanes of the Spokane Street Viaduct for one night this weekend. They’ll remove temporary infrastructure that’s been used to stabilize ongoing work.  The removal is contingent on other project elements,… [ Keep reading ]

Keep that input coming!

Tuesday evening, at the first public open house for the very early in design Mercer West project, 155 people signed in and brought their questions and comments. After signing in, attendees gathered near a looping 3-minute narrated PowerPoint presentation to gain a general understanding of the project, before moving on… [ Keep reading ]

Do you know the Way to Go?

Now that fall is here and we have new routines to get to school and work – make sure you think about the Way to Go.   Check out the WALK, BIKE, RIDEr SDOT’s fun, fact-filled monthly newsletter on walking, biking, riding transit and other tips on how to leave your… [ Keep reading ]

Tuesday Night – learn about the “other” Mercer…

With all the hoopla surrounding the September 8th groundbreaking of the Mercer Corridor Project, lovingly referred to as Mercer East, you may not have picked up on the details of the Mercer West Project.  The Mercer West Project would complete the City’s vision for a direct, two-way connection between I-5… [ Keep reading ]

Golden Shovels Kick Off Mercer Fix

Golden (i.e. color only, not karat-rated) shovels dug in yesterday morning, amid rain and a solid crowd. In attendance were Mayor Mike McGinn, Senator Patty Murray, Governor Chris Gregoire, Federal Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, Representative Jim McDermott and approximately 125 people in all. The $160 million contract made up of… [ Keep reading ]

4th Ave S Overnight Closures

The contractor working for the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) to widen the Spokane Street Viaduct will do overnight work every night except for Sunday night, between September 7 and September 17, positioning cranes and installing girders.  The work requires the complete closure of Fourth Avenue South between eastbound Spokane… [ Keep reading ]

45th Viaduct Nearly Done!

The NE 45th Viaduct, which closed on June 14th to replace the west approach of the bridge structure, is on target to make the September 10 completion deadline, with great progress to note.  The Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) wall structure was completed on August 9th; the new cement concrete roadway surface that… [ Keep reading ]

Weekend & Night Work on Airport Way

Airport Way Phase II just started August 9th and crews are already set to finish the concrete pour from Royal Brougham to S Plummer.  This weekend the southbound lanes get poured (last weekend crews poured the northbound lanes).  On Saturday, August 21st at 7:00 a.m. the work begins and crews will work around-the-clock (FYI, nosiest… [ Keep reading ]


Really. We wouldn’t kid about something like that. After the morning commute Monday, August 16th, crews will remove the safety barriers and let traffic from the South Spokane Street Viaduct flow onto the new eastbound 4th Avenue S off-ramp.  Why so soon?  The cure was a great success, with highly agreeable weather… [ Keep reading ]