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Seattle Transit Advisory Board seeks new members – APPLY TODAY!

 You could be the next awesome thing that’s happened for Seattle’s transportation! The Transit Advisory Board (TAB) is accepting applications for new members to help advise Seattle on the challenges & opportunities related to transit & public transportation. This volunteer board plays an important role in ensuring… [ Keep reading ]

Transportation Equity Workgroup Now at Work!

A key part of our work at SDOT is to make sure people have access to affordable transportation options. In Seattle, transportation is the second highest household cost after housing, and we know communities at risk of displacement bear the brunt of transportation inequities. That’s why, in alignment with… [ Keep reading ]

HEY, YOU! — YEA, YOU! SEATTLE’S SAFEST DRIVER 2.0 (launches 5/13)

Think you’re Seattle’s safest driver? Prove it & win. When it comes to traffic safety & moving toward Vision Zero, it’s about a culture change. It’s a shift from accepting accidents, to preventing crashes and making streets safer for everyone. This shift is going to take some big… [ Keep reading ]

FREE adaptive cycle rentals through a new partnership with Outdoors for All.

May is #BikeEverywhereMonth and we’re working to ensure everyone has access to get out and enjoy the great joys of biking. Did you know one of the nation’s largest fleets of adaptive cycles is housed here in Seattle? Outdoors for All Foundation, a local non-profit, provides adaptive recreation opportunities… [ Keep reading ]

Bike Share Parking 101

Alright Seattle, we know you already know the obvious places where you’re not supposed to park a bike share bike.  GeekWire put together a comprehensive list of incorrectly parked bikes across Seattle in 2017. Presented without comment. But, there are certain spots you may not realize are… [ Keep reading ]

Trailhead Direct’s transit to trails is back!

Ok, hikers and outdoor lovers. The #GreatPNW struggle is real. You decide it’s a great day for a hike, so you head out into the wild & find upon your arrival that the rest of Seattle has had the same – exact – idea. Never mind that… [ Keep reading ]

Cuéntanos su experiencia.

La División de Street Use (Uso de la Calle) de SDOT es responsable por la gestión del derecho de paso público y otorga permisos para proyectos y actividades que impactan las calles y aceras de Seattle. Dado que trabajamos con diversos solicitantes de permisos en muchos proyectos diferentes,… [ Keep reading ]

Meet Sam, SDOT’s new director!

Welcome, Sam! Monday marked the first day on the job for SDOT’s new director, Sam Zimbabwe. Here’s a snip from his first email to the City team: “Thank you for welcoming me so enthusiastically to Seattle! I can’t express what an honor it is to be a… [ Keep reading ]

WEEKEND EVENTS: #SeattleSqueeze Edition

It’s Friday eve and we wanted to give you an early heads up, as the second weekend of the #SeattleSqueeze nears. A couple large-scale events to be aware of – Womxn’s March and the 37th Annual MLK Day Rally and March, plus some smaller ones that may impact commutes, including… [ Keep reading ]

Transportation Equity Workgroup: Call for nominations!

Applications now open for our new Transportation Equity Workgroup! A key part of our work at SDOT is to make sure people have access to affordable transportation options.  In Seattle, transportation is the second highest household cost after housing, and we know communities at risk of displacement bear the brunt… [ Keep reading ]