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Seattle’s first Freight-and-Bus Only Lane (FAB lane) pilot is part of the Route 40 project | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog stats: 700 words | 4-minute read At-a-glance: As part of the Route 40 Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor (TPMC) project, we’re launching the first “Freight-and-Bus Only Lanes” (FAB lanes) in Seattle as a one-year pilot program. The new FAB lane will help keep people and goods moving through Westlake and connect… [ Keep reading ]

Best of the Year | SDOT’s 2023 Highlights!

Blog stats: 500 words | 3-minute read 2023 was another major year for the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and our work to keep Seattle moving forward. Our theme for the year was “Delivery: fast and flavorful, in concert with our values.” We focused on accelerating projects to provide more… [ Keep reading ]

Data shows more people biking & walking along West Marginal Way SW without impacting freight travel | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog stats: 1,000 words | 5-minute read At-a-glance: Post-project results The West Marginal Way SW Safety Corridor Project has led to several notable outcomes, including safety benefits for people biking, walking, rolling, and driving. Travel volumes Supporting our Vision Zero efforts This project closely aligns with our Vision Zero plan… [ Keep reading ]

Tips for more sustainable shopping and shipping this holiday season

Blog stats: 900 words | 4-minute read At-a-glance: The holiday season can be a fun, festive time full of activities with family and friends, shopping, and of course traveling on busy streets. Freight and goods travel on those same streets with vehicles making deliveries to Seattleites’ homes and businesses all… [ Keep reading ]

Design finalized for the Route 40 Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor! | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog stats: 1,600 words | 8-minute read We’ve completed final design on the Route 40 Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor project with vital input from the community. This project will create a safer and more reliable bus route and Seattle’s first-ever freight- and bus-only lane. Since early 2020, we’ve engaged community members… [ Keep reading ]

New walk/bike signal, crosswalk, traffic-calming landscaped median added to 15th Ave NW paving project in response to community safety conversation | LEVY, SEATTLE TRANSIT MEASURE DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog Stats: 1,200 words | 6-minute read The design for the 15th Ave W/NW and Ballard Bridge Paving and Safety Project is complete. We’re scheduled to start construction preparation by the end of the year. Learn more about our plans, including new safety enhancements, traffic calming features, and bus-only lane… [ Keep reading ]

New Alaskan Way protected bike lane design closes a critical gap between the Elliott Bay Trail and the Waterfront Bike Path | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog Stats: 1,200 words | 6-minute read We’ve reached the 30% design milestone of a protected bike lane on Alaskan Way from Virginia St to Broad St! The connection creates an intuitive, safer route for people biking and scooting between the future Waterfront Bike Path and the Elliott Bay Trail…. [ Keep reading ]

USDOT awards Seattle $2 million to study rail safety around S Holgate St in SODO

Blog Stats: 1,300 words | 7-minute read Editor’s Note (January 4, 2024): A link to our grant application document was added. Editor’s Note (June 26, 2023): This blog was updated for clarity and to add details about an additional $400,000 supplemental grant from WSDOT. At-a-glance: We are excited to receive… [ Keep reading ]

We’ve reached 60% design of the Route 40 Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor! | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK 

Blog stats: 750 words | 6-minute read We’re partnering with King County Metro to make Route 40 bus trips more reliable while improving safety for people walking, biking, and rolling along this route. We’ve come up with some concepts and want to know what you think! At-a-glance: Our project… [ Keep reading ]

A safer trip between Georgetown and Downtown | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK 

Summary We’re connecting South Seattle neighborhoods to the regional bike network, keeping freight moving, and making trips safer for people walking and rolling The Georgetown to Downtown Safety Project will link downtown Seattle with historic Georgetown, home to vibrant and diverse neighborhoods with industrial, small business, and manufacturing roots. The… [ Keep reading ]