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Progress on Transit Upgrades, Paving, Safer Bike Connections in South Seattle, Bridge Strengthening, and More | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog stats: 2,400 words | 12-minute read At-a-glance: This blog post highlights various projects moving into construction. It is not a comprehensive list of all current or upcoming SDOT projects. 1) Georgetown to Downtown Safety Project A new connection will complete the north-south bike trail system between Seattle and South… [ Keep reading ]

Alaskan Way Safety Project nears 100% design milestone | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog stats: 1,100 words | 6-minute read At-a-glance: We’re nearing final design on the Alaskan Way Safety Project and would like to share an overview of what the project will build, and how it ties in with other projects in the area. Once complete, this project will support a safer,… [ Keep reading ]

We’re on track to strengthen 16 bridges across Seattle to be safer during an earthquake | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog stats: 950 words | 5-minute read At-a-glance: Earthquakes could have a major impact on Seattle’s bridges. To address this risk, the City of Seattle established a Bridge Seismic Program to assess how vulnerable the City’s bridges were to earthquakes and reinforce bridges to better withstand the potential impacts of… [ Keep reading ]

Clear direction to prevent serious crashes in Seattle: Vision Zero Action Plan update

Blog stats: 1,600 words | 8-minute read At-a-glance: As part of our ongoing commitment to prevent serious injuries and deaths of people traveling on Seattle streets, we have released a new Vision Zero Action Plan. The plan sets a bold strategy to improve traffic safety, establishing 22 broad strategies and… [ Keep reading ]

Interested in serving as a community representative on a Seattle transportation advisory board or committee? Learn more about current and upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Editor’s Note (December 3, 2024): We originally published this blog post on March 9, 2022, and have continued to update it since then with the latest information. Summary: Below you can find ‘drop-down’ links to each individual board and committee, as well as general information about the application process: Promoting… [ Keep reading ]

Maintaining & modernizing Seattle’s transportation system with the 11th / 12th Ave NE paving and safety project | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK 

Blog stats: 1,100 words | 5-minute read At-a-glance: Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell and SDOT Director Greg Spotts joined construction crews working on the 11th/12th Ave NE Paving and Safety Project. This project, along with the RapidRide J Line project which enter the construction phase in the near future, represent two… [ Keep reading ]

May is Bike Everywhere Month – Let’s get ready to ride! 

Blog stats: 1,500 words | 7-minute read Dust off your helmet, fill up your tires, and grab your friends and family. We’re kicking off Bike Everywhere Month today and throughout the month of May! We hope you can join the celebration and enjoy biking as part of your everyday trips… [ Keep reading ]

LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK | 2023 Levy to Move Seattle Annual Report  

We are pleased to present the 2023 Levy to Move Seattle Annual Report. This report highlights our work in 2023 that was funded by your tax dollars through the voter-approved Levy to Move Seattle. Thanks to Seattle voters, the Levy to Move Seattle helped to add new sidewalks and crosswalks,… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell Proposes $1.35B Transportation Levy for Safe, Reliable, and Connected Seattle

Blog stats: 2,200 words | 11-minute read At-a-glance: Proposed funding would invest in maintenance and modernization of public infrastructure Seattle’s transportation system is critical to a thriving city that connects people to places and opportunities. Our current transportation levy provides roughly 30% of SDOT’s annual budget and expires this year…. [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell and SDOT break ground on East Marginal Way Improvement Project supported by Levy to Move Seattle and partners

Blog stats: 1,500 words | 7-minute read At-a-glance: We’re thrilled to officially be in construction on this significant project to enhance East Marginal Way S while improving travel safety and efficiency for everyone. Today’s groundbreaking event was a major milestone that was years in the making. This collaborative project results… [ Keep reading ]