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15th Ave NE On A Roll

Work is going well on 15th Avenue NE, especially considering crews are completely reconstructing a street that commonly carries 16,000 vehicles daily while maintaining car, truck, bicycle and pedestrian traffic! Pedestrians will be well-served by the end result, with new curb ramps and curb bulbs; widened sidewalks at bus zones; a new… [ Keep reading ]

Chief Sealth Trail – a thing of beauty…

Let the record show, the northward extension of Chief Sealth Trail is a thing of beauty, as evidenced by photos posted here. Much of the work to extend the trail, from Beacon Avenue S to S Angeline Street/15th Avenue S, was completed in 2010. Recently final elements wrapped up, including… [ Keep reading ]

Tackling 15th Ave NE With Gusto!

To complete construction efficiently crews rebuilding 15th Avenue NE in the University District are going all out, night and day!  The work schedule is quite the balancing act with very little wiggle room on such a highly utilized roadway.  Despite that, in just the first four weeks crews have installed about… [ Keep reading ]

15th Avenue NE Reconstruction Starts

Work is now underway on the project to reconstruct the majority of 15th Avenue NE in the University District – from NE Pacific Street to NE 55th Street.  The final product will improve pedestrian access by widening sidewalks at bus zones, adding curb ramps and curb bulbs and installing a new marked crosswalk… [ Keep reading ]

Looking Forward

In 2010 SDOT built 15 blocks of sidewalks and installed 20 miles of new bike lanes and sharrows through the Bridging the Gap Transportation Levy.  But before crews can apply fresh paint to streets or turn any dirt, SDOT planners must select locations for these new facilities.  Guided by the… [ Keep reading ]

A reflective stroll

There is a new art walk in the Intl District. Through Feb. 28th, local artists are using vacant retail spaces in the Pioneer Square and Chinatown-International District neighborhoods to display their artwork, house their creative enterprises and establish artist residencies. One of our favorite parts is the painting of a reflection of… [ Keep reading ]

Just a bit more…

If you travel in SODO you’ve likely noticed that Airport Way South is looking better and better (see pretty pics below!).  That’s because hard-working construction crews completed phase one of improvements to Airport Way South (South Spokane Street up to South Royal Brougham Way) this year and just about completed Airport… [ Keep reading ]

One Push of the Button Will Do

NPR recently did a story on whether those “close door  >< ” elevator  buttons actually work*.  The reporter closed the story with “they are just like pedestrian push buttons…”  Well, we thought we’d clarify how those pedestrian push buttons work.  Most buttons are tied into the signal cycle for the… [ Keep reading ]

Its time for Figgy Pudding

The annual Figgy Pudding caroling event is this Friday night.  The event features more than 40 teams singing through the downtown core and 1,000s of shoppers and spectators. It always brings good cheer.  This year, SDOT is participating in two ways to make your holiday travel even better. The City… [ Keep reading ]

Mercer Corridor Recommended Routes

Work on the Mercer Corridor Project is well underway including the travel pains that go along with construction, as we all await the improvements.  In a continued effort to ease the pain project team members this week released a Mercer East Construction Notice with route recommendations for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists.  Below… [ Keep reading ]