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Posts categorized under Ethan Bancroft, Author at SDOT Blog - Page 2 of 25

SDOT Engages Community on the Future of Autonomous Vehicles in Seattle, Prioritizing Safety, Equity, Sustainability, and Collaboration

Blog stats: 1,100 words | 6-minute read Summary: As we continue to follow State law regarding autonomous vehicle (AV) deployments across Washington State, we have established an Autonomous Vehicle Inclusive Planning Cohort. This cohort is comprised of diverse members and centers community voices in AV policymaking in Seattle while prioritizing… [ Keep reading ]

Accessible ‘Tactile Walking Surface Indicators’ Pilot Project Underway to Help People with Disabilities Navigate the City

Blog stats: 1,500 words | 7-minute read At-a-glance: We’re committed to making Seattle more accessible, welcoming, and comfortable for all people, including people with disabilities. In support of this work, we’re continuing to pilot new and emerging tactile treatments. This includes specialized Tactile Walking Surface Indicators to support people who… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Transit Measure funds new on-demand Metro Flex service and adds bus service in Delridge and South Park 

City of Seattle and King County Metro partner to provide new, on-demand Metro Flex service to Delridge and South Park communities beginning July 22. Blog stats: 950 words | 5-minute read The voter-approved Seattle Transit Measure will fund new Metro Flex service and more frequent bus service in the Delridge… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Bruce Harrell Signs Legislation Sending Transportation Levy to Seattle Voters

Levy will build sidewalks, pave streets, repair bridges, and improve transit for a safe, reliable, and connected Seattle Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell signed into law the legislation that will place the Transportation Levy on Seattle voters’ ballots in November 2024. The legislation was unanimously approved in a 9-0 vote by… [ Keep reading ]

We’ve reached our expanded goal to build 250 new sidewalk blocks | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog stats: 1,300 words | 7-minute read At a Glance: We have surpassed our expanded goal and built over 250 new blocks of sidewalks and walkways since the start of the Levy to Move Seattle in 2016. The 250th block is located on S Leo St in South Seattle. We… [ Keep reading ]

Watch for kids in school zones (and everywhere!) this summer | Safe Routes to School

Blog Stats: 850 words | 4-minute read The regular school year may have ended, but safety in school zones is important year-round! Not only are many Seattle students participating in summer programs at schools throughout the city, but kids should feel safe walking, biking, rolling, and playing around their neighborhoods… [ Keep reading ]

Construction Begins on Ballard Bridge/15th Ave NW Paving, Safety, & Street Upgrades | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Please note: you can click here to jump immediately to the English version of this blog post. Blog stats: 1,200 words | 6-minute read At-a-glance: Construction is starting along 15th Ave W/NW between Ballard and Interbay, with work scheduled to begin as soon as July 8. This project will improve… [ Keep reading ]

We’re continuing to improve the Melrose Ave and Pike St intersection in Capitol Hill

Blog stats: 1,500 words | 7-minute read Editor’s Note: This is a joint update from the Office of the Waterfront and Civic Projects and the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT). At-a-glance: The Office of the Waterfront and Civic Projects and the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) have been working to… [ Keep reading ]

Flying Falcons! We’re Supporting Bird Research and Preservation Efforts at the West Seattle Bridge

Blog stats: 550 words | 3-minute read At-a-glance: Puget Sound’s peregrine falcon population has withstood the test of time. Since its population declined years ago due to toxins and other ecological challenges, the falcon population has been steadily recovering, thanks to the efforts of local wildlife protection programs. We at… [ Keep reading ]

Progress on Transit Upgrades, Paving, Safer Bike Connections in South Seattle, Bridge Strengthening, and More | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog stats: 2,400 words | 12-minute read At-a-glance: This blog post highlights various projects moving into construction. It is not a comprehensive list of all current or upcoming SDOT projects. 1) Georgetown to Downtown Safety Project A new connection will complete the north-south bike trail system between Seattle and South… [ Keep reading ]