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Design finalized for the Route 40 Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor! | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog stats: 1,600 words | 8-minute read We’ve completed final design on the Route 40 Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor project with vital input from the community. This project will create a safer and more reliable bus route and Seattle’s first-ever freight- and bus-only lane. Since early 2020, we’ve engaged community members… [ Keep reading ]

RapidRide J Line design complete, construction begins next year | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog stats: 1,200 words | 6-minute read We have completed the final design of the RapidRide J Line! In the coming months, we’ll advance the process of selecting a contractor and begin preparations for construction, which is expected to begin in summer 2024. This project upgrades King County Metro’s Route… [ Keep reading ]

Spokane St Swing Bridge (low bridge) recap: we successfully reinstalled a refurbished turn cylinder

Blog stats: 650 words | 3-minute read Following the successful reinstallation of the low bridge’s turn cylinder that we removed earlier this year, the Spokane St Swing Bridge (low bridge) reopened on Tuesday, October 10, to people walking, biking, rolling, and driving! We closed the low bridge between October 7-10… [ Keep reading ]

Summer 2023 Highlights | Improving safety in Seattle with protected bike lanes and Vision Zero programs, thanks to the Levy to Move Seattle 

Blog Stats: 2,000 words | 11-minute read It was a busy summer for safety in Seattle as we advanced designs or started construction on several exciting bike lane and safety projects around the city. We also expanded several important programs aimed at achieving our Vision Zero goal to end traffic… [ Keep reading ]

We’ve made taking transit safer and more reliable from Ballard to the U District along the Route 44 corridor | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK 

At-a-glance Thank you, Seattle! The Route 44 Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor project is one of seven transit corridors that we are improving thanks to the Levy to Move Seattle. During the past nearly 2 years we’ve partnered with King County Metro to improve transit reliability , reduce transit travel times, and… [ Keep reading ]

Beyoncé, Mariners Baseball, Construction & More: What’s Happening in Seattle September 1–17

The first half of September this year is huge for music, arts, food, and sports! With so much happening around the city, take this as your guide to getting around Seattle with construction, road closures, and end-of-summer events. At-a-Glance: Click on the links below to read more! Top Events September 1: Waterfront… [ Keep reading ]

Planning is underway for new, safer streets to walk, bike, and bus to future Link station at NE 130th St and I-5

Blog Stats: 1,100 words| 6-minute read At-a-Glance: Improvements are coming to the Pinehurst and Lake City neighborhoods! With the scheduled opening of Sound Transit’s NE 130th St Infill Station in 2026, we’re looking ahead to necessary bike, transit, and pedestrian enhancements along NE 130th St, Roosevelt Way NE, and NE… [ Keep reading ]

New walk/bike signal, crosswalk, traffic-calming landscaped median added to 15th Ave NW paving project in response to community safety conversation | LEVY, SEATTLE TRANSIT MEASURE DOLLARS AT WORK

Blog Stats: 1,200 words | 6-minute read The design for the 15th Ave W/NW and Ballard Bridge Paving and Safety Project is complete. We’re scheduled to start construction preparation by the end of the year. Learn more about our plans, including new safety enhancements, traffic calming features, and bus-only lane… [ Keep reading ]

Expanded transportation access and more from the Seattle Transit Measure 2022 Performance Report

Blog Stats: 1,700 words | 9-minute read The 2022 Performance Report focuses on the second full year of programing funded under the Seattle Transit Measure (STM). This year, we spotlight some of the innovative work of our Transportation Access Programs (TAP) as well as key COVID Recovery Bus Lane projects… [ Keep reading ]

What’s happening July 17-31: Festivals, sports, road closures, and more!

Blog stats: 1,600 words | 8-minute read July may be coming to an end, but we still have plenty going on in Seattle! From two sold-out Taylor Swift concerts to Capitol Hill Block Party and some major road closures, we’ll walk you through what’s going on and how you can… [ Keep reading ]