Please note: this blog post is available in additional languages via the links below, including Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Tigrinya, and Vietnamese.
- በRainier Ave S ላይ ለአውቶቡስ መስመሮች ቀጥሎ ያለው ምንድነው? የእኛን የዳሰሳ ጥናት ይውሰዱ እና የበለጠ ይወቁ!
- ما التالي بالنسبة لممرات الحافلات على شارع Rainier Ave S؟ شارك في الاستبيان الخاص بنا وتعلم المزيد!
- Rainier Ave S 公車專用道的下一步是什麼?參加我們的調查並了解更多資訊!
- Rainier Ave S 公交专用道的下一步是什么?参加我们的调查并了解更多信息!
- Rainier Ave Sのバスレーンはどうなるのでしょうか?アンケートに答えて、詳しい情報を入手してください!
- Rainier Ave S 버스 전용 차선의 다음 계획은 무엇인가요? 설문 조사에 참여하고 자세한 정보를 알아보세요!
- Maxaa ku xiga jidadka baska ee Rainier Ave S? Qaado sahankayaga oo baro wax badan!
- ¿Cuál es el siguiente paso para los carriles para bus en Rainier Ave S? Responda a nuestra encuesta y obtenga más información.
- Ano ang susunod sa daanan ng bus sa Rainier Ave S? Kunin ang aming sarbey at alamin pa ang iba!
- ኣብ ረይኔር ኣቨኑ ሳውዝ ናይ ኣውቶቡስ መስመራት መጎዓዚያ ዝምልከት ቀጺሉ ዝመጽእ ስራሕ አንታይ ኣሎ? ነቲ ዘዳለናዮ ዳህሳሳዊ መፅናዕቲ ብምውሳድ ዝያዳ ሓበሬታ ርኸብ!
- Điều gì tiếp theo sẽ xảy ra cho làn đường dành cho xe buýt trên đường Rainier Ave S? Hãy tham gia cuộc khảo sát của chúng tôi và tìm hiểu thêm!
- In collaboration with King County Metro, we recently installed bus lanes on Rainier Ave S northbound between S Alaska St and S Walden St, and southbound between S Oregon St and S Edmunds St in Rainier Valley.
- We’re now evaluating two alternatives to extend the bus lanes. This extension would be on Rainier Ave S farther north between S Walden St and S Grand St.
- Please take our survey by November 13. You can share your input on the two proposed alternatives, how you travel on Rainier Ave S, and how we can further improve your experience taking transit.
- We will be presenting the Phase 2 Rainier Ave S bus-only lane alternatives at a virtual public meeting on October 25. Meeting details will be posted on our website. We’ll post a recording to our project website after the meeting.
Earlier this summer, in partnership with King County Metro, we installed the first phase of new bus-only lanes along Rainier Ave S.
This includes northbound bus lanes from S Alaskan St to S Walden St, and southbound bus lanes from S Oregon St to S Edmonds St. We’ve been monitoring traffic and bus travel times since implementing this change. We will continue to collect data over the coming months. So far, we’re noticing a travel time savings for buses.

We’re currently evaluating two options (“alternatives”) to extend the existing bus lanes on Rainier Ave S to the north, between S Grand St and S Walden St.
Once fully installed, we expect bus riders will save around 5 minutes while traveling in morning peak traffic.
We’re asking you to help us select a preferred option based on community feedback.
Please take our survey by November 13 to share your thoughts, how you currently travel on Rainier Ave S, and how you’d like us to improve your experience taking transit.
You can also attend a virtual public meeting on October 25 to learn more. Meeting details will be available on our website. We’ll record the meeting and post a link to our website.
Below is a brief summary of the two alternatives.
You can also find more details about the benefits and considerations for each alternative on our website.
Alternative 1
In this option we would turn one northbound lane into a bus lane from S Walden St to S Grand St.
S Grand St to S Walden St (looking north)

Alternative 2
Like Alternative 1, in this option we would turn one northbound lane into a bus lane from S Walden St to S Grand St.
We would also remove the center turn lane between S Grand St and S College St and have two northbound travel lanes (approximately 5 blocks).
S Grand St to S College St (looking north)

S College St to S Walden St (looking north)

Next steps
We’ll share more information on what we heard and next steps for the Phase 2 project by the end of the year. Project design will continue into 2023, and construction could begin as soon as 2024.
To learn more
- Web: Visit the Rainier Ave S bus-only lane project website, available in multiple languages
- Email updates: Sign up to receive our regular email updates about the project
- Email us: TransitLanes@seattle.gov
- Voicemail: Leave a voicemail in your preferred language and we will call you back: 206-257-2201
Thank you for your time and interest in this project!